About a decade ago, I had the privilege of riding alongside Mark Stephan, a now high-functioning quadripalegic, and a group of his friends, across the inhospitable landscape of southwestern [...]
A close friend, Mark Stephan, endured a horrible cycling accident a number of years ago which left him a quadriplegic. Mark's wife, Margaret Ann, was told to expect the [...]
I'm pleased to announce the release of my second co-authored book, this time with an old friend and Acorn colleague, Terry Walsh. The book is titled 99 Questions to [...]
An article in Forbes "The Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful Executives", provides a great example of the danger of narcissism in the corner office. Virtually all the examples provided [...]
Fellow Mushers, I'm proud to announce the publication and sale of my first book, 99 Questions to Maximize the Sale of Your Business, available at Amazon.com both in paperback [...]
There is a difference between leading and managing. Musher Management™ espouses that “leading from the back of the sled” is the optimal behavioral strategy for a business leader. But [...]
Dear Reader — I had originally intended to blog about Steve Jobs's resignation as Apple's CEO, only to let time lapse, and now Jobs has passed away. I am [...]
Recently a colleague turned my attention to a blog post in the Harvard Business Review blogging area, written by Nilofer Merchant. The title of the blog post was “People [...]
Throughout my blogs I've spoken about the need for thoughtful planning. But what should the Musher/Leader do when things just aren't working out as planned? Mike Tyson has a [...]
The Ititarod is an 1,150 mile grueling dog-sled race which commemorates the ancient use of dog sleds by Native Indians over the Iditarod trail to move people and materials. Given [...]
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